Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Beginnings...

I am 13 days post op today.. I feel good with regards to my BR. My skin is less red today and I am actually wearing a normal bra. I actually felt like a normal woman today..Yay!!!

I have not felt good these past few days due to a cold and cough. I am hoping that I can rest tomorrow as I am going back to work on Thursday.

I am really watching this season of the the Biggest Loser, I cannot wait to really start working out. I am gonna start next week just walking on the treadmill after work. I am gonna start using my food journal again tomorrow. I really want to start dropping this extra weight now that I can see it because I don't have my chest covering it up.. Ugh!

I am stressed out about money now... My check was cut short and Joe's check got messed up. I really need to trust God through all this, because we are cutting things close.

Lord, please help me in managing the resources that you have entitled to me.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Post Op - Day 12

Monday, September 21st

Hey there.. It's almost been 2 weeks already.. It has been pretty good in healing from the BR but now I am sick again with a cough that is absolutely driving me nuts.

I have stopped using the neosporin and the redness around my incision lines are starting to lessen. I am only down to putting a bandage under righty which is still draining a bit..

I haven't had a lot of depression through this, but I am a bit irritated at my family. Not Joe - he has been great but my immediate family. I wish they would have been more involved in my recovery, a simple phone call would have been great occasionally. But I should have known better, as this is what I should have expected.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Post Op - Day 11

September 21, 2009

Things have been going ok, but I think I am allergic to Neosporin. It started Friday night with redness and inflammation on the right side, but now it is on both sides along all sutures areas. I took benadryl last night and slept really well last night. I took some more this morning and had to take a nap after lunch. I bought some A&D lotion as well as anti-itch cream, like Cortaid. I am going to call the PS tomorrow just to be sure..

Friday, September 18, 2009

Post Op - Day 9

Friday, September 18, 2009 (11:13 am)

Everything seems to healing ok, I just itch like mad.. I know ...it's part of the healing process. I slept again like garbage, I took a Tylenol PM around midnight to help me sleep. I woke up aroung 1: 30 am after having weird ghost like dreams.. I actually went upstairs and slept in bed so I could be closer to Joe. Yes, I was afraid. They really spooked me!

Joe and I ran out his morning to the eye doctor so I could get replacement contacts. I am really starting to feel myself again. I am having my friend, Janet come over in a bit for lunch and I am going to go out later out and about.. Yippee!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Post OP - Day 8

September 17, 2009 (1:15 pm)

I had my post op visit with my doctor this morning. Everything went well. He removed all the steristrips and the stich under each breast. Thgis was actually the most pain that I felt over the past few days. It was ripping off a bunch of scabs.. Owie!!!!! He said that everything looked fabulous. He just said to keep bandages over my breast area and to constantly put on Neosporin over all the incisions. I can't believe how well everything has gone... It's amazing!! I need to go back in one month for another follow up appt.

I am so happy that I did it. I wish that I had done it a lot sooner. I feel great and it looks as if I have dropped alot of weight. I actually fit into a size 16 pants today. I am definately gonna keep it all going!

One week - Post Op

September 16, 2009 (4:45 PM)

It cannot believe that it's already been a week. I have a dr. appointment tomorrow with my PS. I am very pleased with the outcome so far..

I made a social visit at work and the reaction of my friends was unbelievable. They kept saying, " I am so sorry to be staring at your boobs, but OMG!". On the way out, I said "Hi" to April, our receptionist, and she looked at me and said, "Wow, you look like you have lost alot of weight." I told her that what I had done. She was shocked. She did not know that I had the procedure done...

I can't wait to go back but I am glad that I am taking off the extra time... I am just tired, I came home after my visit to work and Aldi, had lunch and took a 2 hour nap.

The pain, on a scale of 1-10 is about a 1/2. I occasionally feel a twinge of pain, especailly when I "bounce", but overall no pain meds today.. Yeah!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Post Op - Day 6

September 15, 2009 (1:45 pm)

Thinks so far have been going ok.. This morning I had the most intense pain that I have had to date. It was a searing pain underneath both of my breasts. It only lasted a few seconds but OUCH!! The main bothersome issues is the suture line underneath my breasts. The other areas just itch. I picked up some Aveeno Moisturizing lotion for this.

I took a nap this morning for about a half hour this morning. I just can't get over how tired I am... I think I am going to take another one in a bit.

I want to get up and clean and do laundry. Maybe when I get up I will try to do a little bit, if Joe will let me.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Post Op - Day 5

September 14, 2009

(8:15 am)

Good morning..

I had a pretty good night sleep last night. I am getting to be an old pro at changing my banadages, all there has not been too much drainage or bleeding at this point.

I really feels as my "milk has come in". Anyone who is a mom would understand this. There is just a tightness in the area.

There is not too much real pain at this point, mainly itching.. I am glad I did not have to go back to work today. I don't think I would be ready quite yet, even though I will bored silly before long..

The only thing is that I have been getting a few dizzy spells. I'll just take it easy today...

(4:52 pm)

I ended up taking a nap after the above post. It was refreshing. I woke up about 10:30ish. Joe and I ran a few errands, went to lunch and then I came home and took another nap, for about an hour.

I definately would not have been ready to go back to work today. I am just exhausted and I don't know why.. Maybe its just the sitting around doing nuttin'.. hmmmm.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Post Op - Day 4

September 13, 2009 (9:39 am)

Ok, I know it's early, but I have to share a few things.

I took a shower today for the first time. It was a little bit of a challenge but it was good to be able to wash my hair on my own. Don't get me wrong, Joe did a great job...

I also lost over 5 lbs since I went in for surgery. I am eating almost back to normal but I am excited none the less. I am able to wear a racer back sports bra and there is NO pain in my neck and shoulders.. Yay!

I am heading out to church, and then come home after lunch and take a nap, considering I was up for a few hours in the middle of the night. Well, till later!

How did I get here??

There have been quite a few family and friends who have asked me how did I get to this place, why did I want the surgery and what steps did I take to get here. I figured that I would tell you my personal insights on how my journey started..

February, 2009

I began to work out for an upcoming triathalon in August. Last year I really worked toward this goal and two weeks prior I had fallen and broken my foot and severly sprained my ankle. So I was determined to work out and try again. My foot was finally healed enough to begin working out but it was very difficult for me. When I went to see my OB-GYN for my annual, he said to discuss with my primary care doc for all the medical documentation back up.

April, 2009

I went to my PCP and felt that he really did not take the time to really listen to me and decided at that moment that it was time to switch my care to another doctor. I set up my appointment with my new internist.

May, 2009

I went shopping for a dress for a wedding with Joe. I think for the first time, Joe really saw the struggle that I had regarding shopping for clothes. I tried on a dress that was in my size but I it was a struggle to get over my chest area. I ended up getting a dress with a size of 3X just to fit. UGH! And.. I had to wear a cardigan over it due to the fact that I would have been showing the girls all night, and it was not an approprate place to do that..

May 7, 2009

Dr. Lee and her staff was wonderful. She took the time to listen to me and what I wanted to do. She had her assistant find out for me what needed to be done (because I have an HMO) and what we needed to do to fulfill the criteria for BCBS. I also did my part in contacted BCBS directly and spoke with one of their patient advocates to determine their guidelines as well.

What was their criteria?
1. Physical therapy for at least 6 weeks
2. Need for special bra's. (and yes, Lane Bryant bras are considered specialty because of the cost)
3. Grooves in shoulders
4. Documentation for pain in back and shoulder area
5. Documentation for any skin breakdown and the treatment(yeast infections, rashes, etc.)
6. Measurements for size, along with pictures (which are required by insurance)
7. And .. Unfortunately, the insurance requires a minimum tissue removal from the surgery. So the surgery can be approved but it will remain "open" until receipt of the final surgical report.

I had to wait until I had PT done for a time to get the referral for the PS per my insurance. I decided to go ahead and set up the appt anyway just to talk to him about it. I just wanted to find out if I was a candidate for the procedure before I went through all the steps. This was set up for June 25th.

I did a lot of research on line as well, just to see what to expect, complications, and to get all my questions ready for my consult with the PS.

June 2009

I began my physical therapy through my insurance medical group and after two treatments, I decided that I would be better served to have my treatment through ATI Physical Therapy, which is my employer. Dr. Lee wrote the order so I could be treated through them. My PT, Theresa, was awesome and began to help me re-learn posture techniques and upper body strengthening exercises. I did not realize until I started treatment how severe my upper shoulder and neck was so tight because of all the extra weight. I just thought it was all just stress related.

June 25, 2009

My visit to the plastic surgeon (PS) was the one of the most boldest things I have done. Joe and his aunt went with me to the initial consultation. Joe's aunt had been diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy and I felt she had the most knowledge about this. She has been a real encouragement to me through the entire process. The bought me a book, "When Less is More", which was written about the breast reduction process. It was a very informative book.

I was called into the office and met with his assistant and then met with Dr. Sigalove. He asked a bunch of questions, both physically and emotionally. He took the time to listen to what I wanted, what I expected and then let me know how he could help me get the results that I wanted. I thought that it was wonderful that most of our consult was done while I was fully clothed so I wasn't embarrassed.

He and his assistant stepped out of the room so I could change. They came back in and took measurements and took pictures. Prior to this I was so timid when it came to this kind of thing. What woman wouldn't be? So I had to stand there in all my glory while they took pictures of me. I have to say this completely changed my outlook on myself. When I had my mammogram in July, I really didn't care anymore..

I changed back in to my clothes and we finished the consult. He said that he doesn't think there would be any problems getting insurance approval. He said the approval process would take 4 - 6 weeks. So the waiting game began....

July 2009,
I went for my first mammogram. Like I said above, after my consult, this was a snap. I did receive a call because of my large breast size and this being my first mammo I needed to have an ultrasound done because there was something they could not identify. I had my ultrasound and there were two cysts that were found. Phew! They said they they would just monitor on a yearly basis.

August 2009

I contacted my PS office to check on the status of my approval. I got a call back and she let me know that it had been approved and to decide when I wanted the surgery. I decided on the 9th because it was still a few weeks away but I wanted the boys to get settled in school first. I could not believe it was all going to happen so quickly.

I wanted to do this surgery so I could get healthy again. I need to exercise to lose weight but I was not able to exercise. Anything besides walking caused pain and discomfort. Also I wanted my neck pain and back pain to go away. My neck and back pain is almost completely gone and it's only been a few days..

Prayers by my friends and family have been assisting me in my recovery as well. I don't think I would be where I am today if I was not for this.. The support system I have had has also been amazing!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Post Op - Day 3

September 12, 2009 (11:08 am)

So here we are, post op day #3. Everything is going well. I have a bit more new bruising today but overall they look pretty good. The itching has started in places so I know that healing has begun. I had a great sleep last night courtesy of vicodin, even though I had some "hallucinating" dreams because of it. It felt great to get a good full night's sleep.

It's really weird to see a smaller bustier area, and I know it's a big change for Joe as well. Unless you have been there, its really hard to explain. I keep looking down thinking that it was a dream but this is the new me.

My doctor states that I may feel periods of regrets or depression but I haven't felt any that yet and hopefully will not. I think because I have had awesome support system with my family and friends and don't think I can be where I am today without all of them. My healing has been incredible to date and it must be because of all the prayers and positive thoughts by everyone.

I think back a few months when I was really dealing with some internal conflicts, I was just having a big pity party and my own realization of what I actually had in front of me if I had opened my eyes. My family and friends have been amazing throught it all.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Post Op - Day 2

September 11 , 2009 (2:15 pm)

What a difference two days make. I went to the PS office and had the drains removed along with the pain pump. The pain has not been bad at all surprisingly. I only took 2 regular Tylenol before I left for the doctors office.

I can't believe the difference in the size, as it looks as if maybe I am only a B cup with a small amount of cleavage and they are still swollen with some bruising. But they still are porportionate with my size as Dr. Sigalove said that they would would be..

It's amazing and I am so glad that I decided to do this..

Post Op - Day 1

September 10, 2009

Things have gone amazingly well.. I am as confortable as I could be at home, y'know with my chest smooshed in a compression bra. Overall the experience so far, has not been too bad..

Yesterday, I had a difficult time after the surgery with nausea and vomiting issues everytime I moved. But by the time midnight hit, I was feeling better.

I got released from the hospital around noon and came home and slept most of today. The pain wasn't too bad I have only had a morphine dose while in the hospital and a vicodin tonight. I try not to take too much pain meds if I don't need them. I do have a pain pump right now that feeds medicine right to the area and the only area that really hurts in the area at the base of my bra where the incisions are.

I will have the pump and the drains removed tomorrow as well. That part wasn't so bad. I was really nervous about that part of it..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The count down is here..

September 8, 2009 - 10:40 pm

I can't believe it is here already. I need to be at the hospital at 5:45 tomorrow morning and my surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am.

Am I doing the right thing?? This thought has crossed my mind many times over the past fews days. I know that the pain will temporary and the results will be so much better than what I am dealing with right now. I keep looking forward to the days of lacing up the gym shoes and heading out the door.

I have to say Joe has been absolutely amazing and I am so glad that I have him. I don't think I could do this with out him by my side. I know this is going to be difficult for him but I know he wants wants the best for me in the long run.

I am really not that nervous.. I have my moments but in general I have a strange peace surrounding this surgery and I hope it remains through out the post op process.

My coworkers at work have been awesome and a few of them sure know how to put a spin on things. They said my new nickname is gonna be PB which stands for "perky boobies." That's too funny! I am so glad I work with the gals I do because they have also been such an encouragement to me as well. Until this year, I really did not truly appreciate my coworkers as they are my other "family". Thanks gals!

Well, signing off now.. I need to head to bed.. Night!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Two more days..

September 7th, 2009

I can't believe my surgery will be here in two more days.. These past few weeks have flown by so quick. I went out this weekend and bought some new sports bras and can't believe that I will actually fit in them..

I have done a lot of searching on the internet regarding all the post op stuff and how other people have handled the days and weeks following the surgery. My doctor had given me two weeks off of work so hopefully this will give me enough time to recover. I will probably be bored silly, but what are ya gonna do? Chick flick movie time!!!

I really cannot believe how supportive my family and friends are regarding this. I know this will be tough on Joe in many different ways and I am so thankful that I have him. I know that he will take good care of me.

I know that I will be a "test subject" for other women that I know looking to have the same surgery. I will try to keep updating as the surgery and post op period goes on..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A small bump in the road..

Last week was very trying for me.. I tried to work out to get my self physically prepared for my upcoming surgery, but I ended up making my self sick...

I worked out last Wednesday and by Friday, I thought I was getting a cold and became increasingly difficult to breathe. I called the doctor on Monday to get my inhaler refilled because I could not locate it. I tried to get into the doctor on Monday but had an important meeting at work, but was able to get in on Tuesday. By the time I got into the doctors office on Tuesday, I needed a breathing treatment because I could not get a deep breath and was coughing severly. I was prescribed and antibiotic and steroids to get help me get better quickly. My doctor made me call my plastic surgeons office to let them know that I was on new meds and telling me there was slim possibilty thatI would maybe have to cancel my surgery.. that was not the news I wanted to hear...but.. It all worked out. Phew!

Over the past few days, I have felt better but I have a crazy cough that will not go away. I have 6 days so I pray that this will all be resolved before then.. Ahhh!