Wednesday, August 26, 2009

14 days..

Only 14 days till my surgery.. Am I nervous? Heck yeah but who wouldn't be.. It's the part of my process in my total personal transformation. Not that I did not like who I was, but just making myself better.

I worked out today for the first time in many months. I am exhausted but felt good none the less. I also dropped almost 3 pounds... I am really trying to make positive choices in my eating and moving a bit more. I am so looking forward to being able to exercise and really start dropping this extra weight. I have a program on my IPOD that allows me to plan my goals and if I keep on it, I should be able to drop to my goal weight by April of 2010.

I am very luck to have a employer that has a gym available to use free of charge, and they also may be having some additional weight loss programs as well. Earlier in the week I was speaking to a coworker who dropped a substantial amount of weight and really has made her life about a healthier lifestyle. She was a real encouragement to me. I want to be healthier again in every part of my life. I have really started to really make choices about the food that I am eating and asking myself, "do I really need this?" and in moderation.

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