Saturday, September 12, 2009

Post Op - Day 3

September 12, 2009 (11:08 am)

So here we are, post op day #3. Everything is going well. I have a bit more new bruising today but overall they look pretty good. The itching has started in places so I know that healing has begun. I had a great sleep last night courtesy of vicodin, even though I had some "hallucinating" dreams because of it. It felt great to get a good full night's sleep.

It's really weird to see a smaller bustier area, and I know it's a big change for Joe as well. Unless you have been there, its really hard to explain. I keep looking down thinking that it was a dream but this is the new me.

My doctor states that I may feel periods of regrets or depression but I haven't felt any that yet and hopefully will not. I think because I have had awesome support system with my family and friends and don't think I can be where I am today without all of them. My healing has been incredible to date and it must be because of all the prayers and positive thoughts by everyone.

I think back a few months when I was really dealing with some internal conflicts, I was just having a big pity party and my own realization of what I actually had in front of me if I had opened my eyes. My family and friends have been amazing throught it all.

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